Workshop on World Bioethics Day

On October 19, 2005, a resolution of the General Conference of UNESCO adopted the “Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights”, and since 2016 this day has been celebrated as World Bioethics Day.

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On the day of World Bioethics Day on October 18, 2019, a seminar on the theme: “System of ethical examination of scientific research with human participation” was held at the local commission on bioethics at the UKMA. The seminar was attended by the head of the "Family Medicine" department, the chairman of the local commission on bioethics of the UKMA, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Zh.A. Kauyzbay, Leading Specialist of LKBE, Master of Medical Sciences A.A. Asan, Head of the Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology, Head of the Department of Evidence-Based Medicine, Member of the Commission MD, Associate Professor K.E. Akhmadieva, editor of the republican scientific journal “Bulletin of the UKMA” R.A. Shaimerdenova, employees of the scientific and clinical department, department of postgraduate education, undergraduates 1 and 2 years of study in all areas and specialties.

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In the report by J.Ә. Kauyzbay was reflected: the history and problems of bioethics, the system of ethical examination, the legislative framework for conducting bioethical examinations, the ethical problems of clinical research, patient rights and their safety, goals, objectives and structure of the local bioethical commission. In the speeches of K.E. Akhmadieva and R.A. Shaimerdenova questions were disclosed on the Anti-Plagiarism system, the rules for submitting dissertations to check for plagiarism, the reliability and significance of the information received, and the preparation of articles for publication. A.A. Asan informed about the list of documents for bioethical examination of the planned research work of undergraduates. Seminar participants exchanged views on ethical issues and answered questions from undergraduates.

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21.10.2019, 10:47