Workshop on theme "Youth against AIDS"
On November 28, 2016 in SKSPhA the faculty of "History of Kazakhstan and Social Sciences", "Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages", "Social Sciences and Humanities", "General surgery" of Yassavi IKTU organized a workshopr on the theme "Youth against AIDS" dedicated to the International day of fight against AIDS with the participation of the Deputy chief physician of HC AIDS K. N. Mashpirova.
The aim was preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS in the youth environment, formation of students' awareness in the HIV/AIDS problem and personal responsibility for their behavior, promoting healthy lifestyle, tolerance towards HIV-infected people.
At the workshop there were stream of thematic videos, information and educational materials on the prevention of HIV-infection were given. At the workshop K.N.Mashpirov made a frank conversation about reproductive health, culture of behaviour, the skills of safe behavior in young girls and boys. More than 100 students of SKSPhA and IKTU, interested in the epidemiological situation on HIV/AIDS in South Kazakhstan region, Republic of Kazakhstan and the post-Soviet space, the ways of HIV transmission, preventive measures, took part at the workshop.