Workshop on the development of study programs for retraining bachelors of applied sciences to the bachelor's degree in Nursing

The Republican Center for Health Development of Astana hosted a training workshop "Development of study programs for the retraining of bachelors of applied sciences to the bachelor's degree in Nursing from 12 to 16 February, 2018 for teachers of higher medical colleges and teachers of medical universities who study at the bachelor’s degree of applied sciences and an academic bachelor's degree in Nursing.

Assistant of the Department of Emergency Medical Care and Nursing E.A. Orazbayeva took part in the workshop. The seminar was conducted by a specialist in the field of modernizing the nurses training system Ms. Hannele Tiittanen, LicNSc, Master of Science, certified nurse, senior scientific adviser. Lahti University of Applied Sciences, specialist in the modernization of nursing academic programs Ms. Marjo Palovaara, postgraduate student, master, certified nurse, senior lecturer in University of Applied Sciences JAMK, Finland.

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The main objective of the seminar is to develop a study program for retraining the bachelors of applied sciences to the level of an academic bachelor's degree in Nursing in accordance with the requirements of the European Union for the recognition of professional qualifications and the Bologna process.

The seminar consisted of the following sections: 

• Comparison of educational standards 

• Long-term education in nursing education 

• Learning outcomes and their specifications in the accelerated playback program 

• Integration of theses and developments into the educational standard 

• Instructions for confirming prior training and creating an individual curriculum 

• Completion of the educational standard of accelerated training and re-qualification of the bachelor of applied sciences to the level of the academic degree of bachelor in Nursing.

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17.02.2018, 03:06