"White spots" of history

Senior teacher of the department "History of Kazakhstan and social and social disciplines" of the SKMA, a member of the working group of the Turkestan regional commission for the complete rehabilitation of victims of political repression A. Kabyl, as part of Kazakh scientists - historians from universities in the region, took part in a meeting of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan, held in the city Tashkent, on the issue of rehabilitation of victims of political repression in the 20s and 30s of the twentieth century. The Supreme Court of Uzbekistan reviewed five criminal cases against 240 people, including Kazakhs, who were prosecuted for armed resistance to Soviet power in the so-called Basmashi movement, and all were rehabilitated. The rehabilitated were accused of "committing an armed rebellion against the Soviet regime" in 1929-1931 on the territory of present-day Karakalpakstan, Surkandarya, Nauai, Samarkand and Kashkadarya regions. They were citizens of the Uzbek SSR and the Kazakh SSR.
History is not forgotten!

06.09.2023, 14:47