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According to UNAIDS, more than 32 million people live on the planet, infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (hereinafter HIV), more than 20 million died of AIDS. Most people who are HIV-positive are young people under the age of 30. Every year, on the third Sunday of May, Worldwide Day is held to commemorate people who have died of AIDS. On this day, people remember relatives, friends, just acquaintances who died of AIDS. The purpose of the International Day of Remembrance of people who died of AIDS is to draw the attention of the world community to the problem of the spread of HIV, social protection of people living with HIV infection (PLHIV), the achievement of the Zero Discrimination goal, treatment and prevention of this infection.One of the events in this case was held in May at the Department of Normal and Pathological Physiology of the SKMA. The event was attended by specialists from the Regional Center for the Prevention of AIDS.

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Department staff and students have been tested for HIV for free. After 15 minutes, the results were announced. Also, students were given advice on AIDS prevention. Questions were answered.

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In the assembly hall, students and staff of the department got acquainted with the lectures. In their speeches, the center's doctors spoke about the availability of HIV diagnostics and treatment free of charge, stigma and discrimination of PLHIV, and HIV prevention. A survey was also conducted, booklets and posters were distributed, listeners received exhaustive answers to their questions.

Timur Amanbaev

20.06.2019, 15:21