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On September 1, 2020, a solemn meeting organized by the department for social affairs and youth policy of the academy was held on the online platform in honor of the day of knowledge in the Assembly hall.

This event was held online and shown on social networks. Members of the Academic Council were invited to this event.

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The event was opened with a speech by the rector of our academy, professor Rysbekov Myrzabek Myrzashev. Deans B. Doltaeva, K. Daurenbekov, A. Kuchkarova congratulated students with the beginning of the academic year, wished them success in their studies. Each Dean informed about their faculty and focused on the work done.

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Head of the department for social affairs and youth policy E. Salim focused on the main directions of educational work and introduced the academic youth center "Bolashak".

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The event ended with a festive concert, where students took an active part in the performance of the student anthem.

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01.09.2020, 22:25