Webinar on " Methodological aspects of the transition of the Kazakh alphabet to Latin graphics»

29.05.20 was held webinar on "Methodological aspects of the transition of the Kazakh alphabet to Latin graphics", organized by the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages.

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Introductory speech made head of the department for social affairs and youth policy Salim E.K. Senior teachers Kasymbekova A.N., Abdullabekova A.T., Kemelkhan D.Zh., Begimbet A.S., Takibaev O.S. offered their reports to the participants of the webinar. Salim E.K. expressed his point of view on the improved version of the Kazakh alphabet based on Latin graphics, answered to the questions of the participants of the webinar.

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There are cultural and social, linguistic, economic, political, informational, and pedagogical aspects of the transition of Kazakh writing to a new schedule. The timely transition of the letter to the Latin schedule is confirmed by the discussions taking place on this occasion in the Kazakh society.

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The transition to the Latin alphabet, which has become the language of advanced technologies, is a significant spiritual phenomenon for our country, for our culture and art. The leader of the nation in his program article "Looking to the future: modernization of public consciousness" identified the transition to the Latin alphabet as one of the main tasks for the coming years. If we do not want to lag behind the course of world civilization, we want to raise the Kazakh language to the international level, we must implement all means and methods to introduce the Kazakh alphabet based on Latin graphics.

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04.06.2020, 03:24