We are for the heroism!

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On 2nd February, 2017 at 11:00 am at SKSPhA there was held a meeting with veterans. The event was organized by youth policy department, reserve –officer training department, the Department “Hygiene-1 and Epidemiology”; the meeting was dedicated to the 28th anniversary of the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan. The meeting was attended by veterans - Madelkhan Zholshykhanuly Togayev, Sundet Usenbayuly Mendigulov, Nursultan Shyngyskhanuly Tolegenov, a specialist of the Office for Youth Policy, Abdimalik Belgibay, a journalist of the newspaper “South Kazakhstan”. The young people received answers to their questions, heard the truth about the Afghan War. At the end of this event, the guests were thanked and presented gifts.

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07.02.2017, 04:24