We are both creators together with you!


A two-day international scientific conference of young scientists and students has started today at the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy.


On December 9-10, 2021, over 300 students, undergraduates and doctoral students will speak on discussion platforms in 14 sections on online and offline hybrid formats.

M. M. Esirkepov, first Vice-rector of the South Kazakhstan medical Academy, Professor, speaking at the opening of the conference noted: 
"It is symbolic to holding the international scientific conference of students and young scientists" prospects for the development of biology, medicine and pharmacy" on the eve of two momentous events: the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan's Independence and the Nobel week, when the title is awarded to scientists who have reached significant scientific results in the world.
For Kazakhstan, Independence Day is a celebration of building Statehood! We are both creators together with you!
A remarkable moment in the activities of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy over the years was the holding of the traditional and annual international scientific conference together with the Council for Science at the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation.
We express our sincere gratitude to the Council for Science at the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation for its support in holding a scientific forum and training medical and pharmaceutical personnel.
The Academy's platform demonstrates and unites young scientists and students from different countries, including Kazakhstan, Russia, Great Britain, Israel, Iran, the Czech Republic, Turkey, Germany, Poland, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Every year, the interest of talented young people in research work is growing, there is a desire to work in laboratories in order to get in touch with the unknown, to try their own strength for growth and development.

Sukhrab Gapparov, Deputy Chairman of the Council for Science at the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation:
- Today, young scientists will present their vision of the development of biology, medicine and pharmacy in the region. We have been cooperating with SKMA for several years. We supported talented young people with Foundation grants. I hope that today we will evaluate and highlight the best reports and projects. 
Tomorrow, December 10, 2021, the results of the international conference will be summed up.

10.12.2021, 18:04