We are announcing the SKMA Start-UP competition!

A competition for the best Start-UP project of the Academy has been announced!


- Staff, students, undergraduates, doctoral students, and young SKMA academics can participate in the competition.
- One team should consist of at most five members.
- Each team must have a leader who is a student and/or employee of SKMA.
- Each trainee and/or staff member may participate in only one team.

The deadline for entries is June 10.

June 10 – selection for the First Round (Teams selected for the First Round will have access to unique courses on "How to set up and run Start-Up projects"!)

June 20 – Presentation of projects and announcement of winners

To participate, teams will submit a "Future Project Plan" (MS Word), which must include: name of participants, project purpose, project idea, and expected results.

➡ Registration for participation – In the Project Management and Commercialization Department (Main Building, Room 326)
*Topics that are integrated with IT medicine are welcomed

05.06.2023, 11:24