We are against drug addiction!

A meeting with students and teachers of SKSPhA was held on the topic “Ways to cope with the drug dealing and the prevention of drug addiction among young people” on November 13, 2015, it was organized by the youth policy sector and the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry.

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The repeated use of potent drugs among young people and smoking mixtures has been told by the senior inspector of Al-Farabi district IBD of Shymkent – Mr.E. Sagindikov. He also provided information on synthetic smoking mixtures “Spice” which is one of the brands of smoking mixtures supplied for the sale in the form of pot which is covered with a chemical substance that has got psychoactive effects similar to marijuana effect.

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A doctor of organizational and methodical department of the regional center of healthy lifestyle – Mr. K.Mukataev talked about drug addiction and that this action encourages people to commit crimes, where the main consumers of drugs are young people, and stressed the importance of the fight against drug addiction.

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There was also a report by Ms. A.Serikbaeva, an associate professor of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry department, about the consequences of taking drugs, formation of addiction depending on the cellular level, strategic directions on the level of our country to prevent illicit traffic of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and about “United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances” of 1961, 1971 and 1988 and about ways to resist the traffic in order to provide treatment from drug addiction and protection of public health, public and state security.

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On behalf of the students S.Orynbasar, a student of 402 PhKB group, made a speech about the availability and the rapid spread of drugs among young people and teenagers.

During the event, invited experts spoke with the students about how to deal with the traffic and distribution of drugs of different origin, as well as about measures to prevent drug addiction among youth.

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Students showed a particular interest to the impact of synthetic drugs on the human body, which were set out in the video and in wall newspapers.

19.11.2015, 04:59