Visit of the rector of SKMA to universities-partner of the Republic of Uzbekistan

In order to resume cooperation with partner universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the rector of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy (SKMA), professor Rysbekov M.M. visited Samarkand Medical Institute, Bukhara State Medical Institute, Andijan State Medical Institute.

The program of the visit was eventful. On 22-23 September 2021 professor Rysbekov M.M. took part in the work of the international scientific-practical conference "Modern problems of infectious diseases, epidemiology, microbiology and medical parasitology", Andijan State Medical Institute.
At the Bukhara State Medical Institute, the rector took part in the work of a scientific and practical conference with international participation "Reproductive health care: from new opportunities to a new strategy" (September 24-25, 2021).

During the visit, the rector of SKMA met with the teams of partner universities, got acquainted with the infrastructure of universities, attended lectures and classes.

29.09.2021, 19:48