VII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Abu Ali ibn Sino and innovations in modern pharmaceuticals»

On March 18, the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Abu Ali ibn Sino and innovations in modern pharmaceuticals» was held, organized by the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute with the support of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The conference became a communication platform aimed at the exchange of knowledge, science, and experience between researchers, scientists, and students from universities, research centers, and medical organizations in different countries.
The section «Development of innovative medicines, cosmetics and dietary supplements, ensuring their quality» was attended by students of the ЕP «Technology of pharmaceutical production» of our Academy, who were awarded certificates.
1. Auelbek Shugyla Kamshybekovna-student of group B-TPPKA-01-20 (scientific supervisor - Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, associate professor Sapakbai M. M.)
2. Ashurbek Aruzhan Akhmetovna-student of group B-TPPKB-03-21 (scientific supervisor - Master of Technical Sciences, senior lecturer Bakytzhanova A. B.)
3. Oskinbayeva Perizat Manasovna-student of group B-TPPKB-03-22 (scientific supervisor - Master of Technical Sciences, teacher Musrepova A. A.)
With a report on the section «Pharmacological research of drugs synthesized on the basis of natural and synthetic compounds» Aldekova Raikhona Alisherovna – student of group B-TPPR-07-23 (scientific supervisor- teacher Ospanova G.S.)
We hope that the results of scientific research discussed at the conference will be useful for students and the proposed recommendations will find their application in practice.

20.03.2024, 18:13