VII held scientific-practical conference of young scientists and students on natural, social and human sciences on «Information society and youth»
From 9-10 april 2018 year in SKSPU to VII held scientific-practical conference of young scientists and students on natural, social and human sciences on «Information society and youth» where honor Academy defended two students. Under the guidance of the associate professor of the department of social and humanitarium disciplines Muhametkarim Yertayev, a I-degree diploma was awarded to a student of the group 202 TPP Musrepova Aizhan («Social provisions of the emergence of new criteria on the quality of life among young people at the present stage»), student of the group 201 PH Seitbekova Madina ("Problems of sociological research of mixed marriages in southern Kazakhstan») was awarded a letter of thanks.
From the bottom of the heart we congratuiate the scientific leader and students, and we wish creative success!