Videoconference of "Primary Health Care-condition and development prospects"

On May 31, 2018, the Department of GP-1 of the SKMA will hold a videoconference "Primary Health Care-condition and development prospects" timed to the 40th anniversary of the WHO Alma-Ata Declaration adoption.

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The Department of GP-1 in cooperation with the Department of GP-2 of SKMA and representatives of the PHC departments of other universities in Kazakhstan: GP-1 of the MUA(Astana), GP-2 of KazNMU. named after S.D. Asfendiyarov (Almaty) will discuss topical issues at the PHC level, the state and prospects for further development and cooperation.

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The leading staff of the departments will deliver reports on topical issues on the integration of practical health care, medical education and science at the primary health care level at the conference in the online mode. 

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The participants of the videoconference will share their own experience of working at the PHC level in different regions of Kazakhstan. In the discussion will participate cms, associate professors - N.V.Yugay, N.Sh.Bektibaeva, Sh.Kh.Ramazanova, doctoral candidate Zh.B.Bebekberenova, teaching staff of clinical departments D.D. Eshimbetova, A. A.Yesetova and etc.

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The Internet project "G-Global" will provide an opportunity for a wide range of people to hear the opinion of the conference participants on topical issues of PHC.

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29.05.2018, 05:05