Videoconference at “G – global” communicative platform “Implementation and development of the method “Standardized patient”

On 31st January, 2017 Training Clinical and Simulation Department of SKSPhA organized and held a video conference at “G-Global”communicative platform on the theme “Implementation and development of the method “Standardized patient”, which was attended by representatives of medical universities of Kazakhstan - S.D. Asfendiyarov  KazNMU, Semey SMU, Karaganda SMU and the representatives of medical educational center “NurAlem”(Astana). 

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Over the last years a great attention is paid to the method “Standardized patient”. The whole world uses this method of teaching, improves and implements it into the certification exams of medical specialists.

SKSPhA continues to work actively on the implementation of this method in educational process, all the more so, as the Roadmap “Modernization of medical education” for 2016-2019 focuses on the problem “Database formation and implementation of the program for standardized patients training”.

This videoconference was informative enough, there were presented interesting reports on the executed work and the work in process according to implementation and development of the method “Standardized patient” in medical universities of Kazakhstan.

One of the important results of this videoconference was the adoption of resolution and the fact that participants of “G-Global”communicative platform were able to exchange opinions, their work experience, plans, and most importantly –to feel the usefulness of their union as everybody has common goals, common cause.

03.02.2017, 04:42