V international student competition of professional skills "MEDICA MENTE 2021"




The organizer of the Competition is the State Budgetary Professional Educational

Institution of the Pskov Region “Velikie Luki Medical College” (hereinafter referred to as




The purpose and objectives of the Competition:

- checking the students' ability for independent professional activity;

- improving the skills to effectively solve professional problems, including in the context of synchronized standards of medical care in different countries;

- stimulating students for further professional and personal development, increasing interest in future professional activities;

- increasing the role of employers in ensuring the quality of training for mid-level specialists;

- development of partnership and cooperation relations between medical educational institutions


The key principles of the Contest are information transparency, accessibility, fairness, partnership and innovation


The Competition program includes:

• presentation video "Medica mente 2021", which is posted on the website of the GBPOU PO "VMK" https://vmedook.ru/ and the website of its professional educational institution;

• team response to ten competitive tasks - tests sent online from the participating teams;

• performance of the test task - online manipulations remotely. 10 minutes are given to prepare for manipulation. Performing manipulations up to 10 minutes.

The participants of the Competition are graduate students studying in professional educational institutions under the training program for mid-level specialists in the specialty "General Medicine"Professional educational institutions determine a team of participants of two (2) and one (1) reserve person - students of graduation groups of their educational institution by submitting an application in accordance with the application form (Appendix 1). 3.3. Replacement for a reserve participant of the Competition can be made before the start of the competition on May 27 and before the start of the competition on May 28. During the competition itself, no replacement is made.

A competitive presentation video, which demonstrates our historical, local history places and the activities of our professional organizations. At the end of the video, the team members, 4th year students of our medical college specializing in “General Medicine” are introduced. Students of group C EIO 9-02-17 Abdurakhmanova Diana, Suleimanova Diana, Khagani Anzor.


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Provide a safe first aid environment

Assess the condition of the victim

The victim coughs, his face turns red, his breathing is difficult and becomes hardened


Partial obstruction of respiratory tracts


1. Get up from one side and a few behind from a victim

2. Supporting a victim one-arm for a breast, second will incline him forward, that a head appeared below than thighs of victim

3. Inflict to 5 sharp shots founding of palm between ду shoulder-blades. After every blow check, whether respiratory tracts did not become free

4. If 5 shots on a back appeared uneffective, use the reception of  Heimlich



Heimlich's Reception:

1. Stand behind the victim and wrap your arms around his upper abdomen

2. Tilt the victim forward

3. Clench your hand into a fist and place it just above the navel, under the rib arch

 4. Place your other hand on the fist and perform a sharp push inwards and upwards

5. Repeat 5 times until the airway is free


Attention: if a pregnant woman is injured, squeeze the lower parts of the chest



Complete obstruction of respiratory tracts


The victim is unconscious. Perform the Heimlich technique in a supine position



1. Put the victim on his back

2. Sit on the victim's thighs, facing the head

3. Place one hand on the other and

place them just above the navel, under the rib arch

4. Apply vigorous pressure to the victim's abdomen in an upward direction towards the diaphragm 5. Repeat several times until the airway is clear

6. Turn the victim to the left side, first extending the left arm along the body above the head and bending the right arm and leg at the joint 7. Pull out the foreign object with your fingers wrapped in a napkin or bandage


Attention: if the victim does not come to himself-ask others to call an ambulance or call yourself if no one is there (number: 112), and start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (see the algorithm for initial actions)


Manipulation algorithm and checklist. Evaluation at the second stage of the Competition - performing manipulation. By lot, a team (two participants) performs a competitive task - manipulation, which is broadcast remotely online. 10 minutes are given to prepare for manipulation. Performing manipulations up to 10 minutes. Two jury members from each educational professional institution give marks in points, in accordance with the established checklist, on

which spelled out 10 main assessment criteria.Performing manipulation team members are individually assessed by each jury member from each educational professional institution. The maximum team can get 20 (twenty) points from the jury members of each professional educational institution. The jury evaluates the performance competition assignment and the team of their professional educational institutions.

14.05.2021, 05:00