Ulystyn uly kuni – Az Nauryz!

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On March 20, 2019 year the collective of UKMA celebrated Nauryz on the military parade square. All departments and divisions covered a festive table, a concert program was organized by the Department of social affairs and youth policy.

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The event was opened by the rector of UKMA M. Rysbekov, and guests and veterans of the academy congratulated the collective with the Nauryz holiday. 

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The departments of social-humanitarian and surgical disciplines, microbiology, obstetrics and gynecology, propaedeutics of internal diseases and medicine technology showed their concert numbers.

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The customs and traditions of the Kazakh nation as “Tusau keser”, “Kyz uzatu” and “Aitys”, national games as “Asyk atu”, “Arkan tartu”, “Kіr tasyn koteru” were shown.

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On behalf of the administration were given treats pilaf and Nauryz kozhe. The collective of the Academy received a good mood from the event.

Congratulations to the staff of the Academy on the spring holiday Nauryz!!!

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24.03.2019, 22:03