«Tusau кeser - 2019»

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According to tradition, the solemn meeting "Tusau кeser-2019" was held for the first year students of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. The event was opened by rector Rysbekov Myrzabek Myrzashuly, and congratulated the students with the most important day of their life, their contribution to the field of medicine.

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In his speech, the rector informed the history and about 40 years anniversary of the academy

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Today is very important day for you, because you have stepped on a new way of life. As said Hippocrates, "Medicine is truly the most precious form of all art." In the new academic year, you have to overcome new challenges and solve important tasks and meet modern requirements. We see not only the outside observers, but also the direct participants of the future healthcare innovation medicine.

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The students took the oath and received the "Keys to knowledge" and "Students’ card" from the rector.

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Deans of faculties delivered greetings. The students' rector acquainted with the student self-governance organization and invited students to be talent and activity to the organization of arts and volunteer organizations, scientific and sports organizations.

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The solemn meeting was accompanied by a concert program and anthem performed by students.

19.09.2019, 04:16