Training seminar: “How to find impact - factor journals for articles publication”, “Articles design for publication with EndNot Online”

On December 4, 2015 in SKSPhA there was held a training seminar: “How to find impact - factor journals for articles publication”, “Articles design for publication with EndNot Online” with the participation of information resources specialist of Thomson Reuters for research Dariya Bukhtoyarova.

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The purpose of the seminaris how to select impact - factor journals by subject category; to identify the most perspective subject development areas of its field; to find the most authoritative international colleagues involved in similar research; to prepare an article for publication, to familiarize academic authors with EndNot, EndNot module is essential for articlespreparation for publication, in particular, it is the best means of rapid preparation of references and bibliography in accordance with the requirements of any journal from Web of Science.

The seminar was useful for scientists, teachers, candidates for master’s degree who are interested in publication of scientific articles in leading international rating journals. All participants were given certificates.

05.12.2015, 04:09