Topical issues of the chemical-toxicological expertise: from education to practice

On February 7 of the current year, a video conference "Actual issues of the chemical-toxicological examination: from education to practice" was organized by Department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry of  SKSPhA on the communicative platform "G-global" in the on-line mode. 

These days, toxicological tension caused by environmental and technological disasters, occupational poisoning, abuse of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances is relevant for the modern world community, medicine and social practice.

The conference in the on-line mode became a universally recognized dialogue platform where participants had the opportunity to exchange their own opinions, accumulated experience, discuss the questions of current state, the prospects for planning and carrying out scientific research in toxicological chemistry for forensic purposes expert practice, the issues of training forensic experts in the chemical and toxicology departments of the Forensic Centers and other topical issues in this field.

The conference was attended by leading scientists and teachers of partner universities from the Medical University of Gdańsk (Polish Republic), I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Moscow, Russian Federation), BSMU (Ufa, Bashkortostan), NPhUU (Ukraine), KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan), MUA (Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan), Scientific Research Institute of forensic expertise of the Republican State Treasury Enterprise "Center for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (Astana).

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The training of toxicological chemists as part of the modernization of medical education was announced in the report of  Ordabayeva S.K.- professor, head of department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry of SKSPhA "Training of a competent toxicological chemist in SKSPhA". Staff of the department in accordance with the state mandatory standards of education developed the modular educational program "Toxicological chemistry" has been developed. It has advantages comparing with foreign curricula programs.

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A genuine interest caused questions of non-medical use of medicines, problems of research of objects of the chemical-toxicological analysis, considered by Zhumataeva G.S., head of chemical and toxicology department of Scientific Research Institute of forensic expertise of the Republican State Treasury Enterprise "Center for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (Astana) in the report "Non-medical use of narcotic and psychoactive substances in the Republic of Kazakhstan".

Head of chemical and toxicology department of Institute of forensic expertise of the SKR "Center for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan" Begisheva D.Sh. in the report "Continuous professional education of forensic experts in South Kazakhstan Region" raised a question of professional development of forensic experts.

Adekhanova K.K., forensic expert chemist of the chemical and toxicological department of Institute of forensic expertise of the SKR "Center for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan" prepared a very informative report "Chromatographic methods of research in the chemical-toxicological analysis of poisoning with toxic chemicals", in which, on the basis of cases from practice, she told about the poisoning by a reglone – dangerous pesticide.

Serikbayeva A.D., candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, acting associate professor of the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry, SKSPhA in her report "Innovative methods of teaching as the basis for the formation of professional competence" told about the active teaching methods implemented into the educational process in the basic and specialized disciplines of the department: TBL, CBL, PBL, RBL, case studies with elements of the case method, “Discussion”, “Crossword”, lectures with errors, problematic lectures, binary lectures, etc. The report had a huge impact and involved the conference participants in an active discussion.

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With great attention was received the report of Smirnov V.V., candidate of pharmaceutical sciences., associate professor of the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Moscow, Russian Federation), "Actual problems of teaching toxicokinetics on the example of the department of pharmaceutical and toxicology chemistry named after A.P. Arzamastseva of Sechenov University". The reporter presented to audience his new manual on metabolism and a workbook on toxicokinetics and suggested organizing a binary lecture online between the lecturers of the two partner universities. He shared his opinion that it is necessary to include the issues of anti-doping control system in the subject of classes, which found support among the audience. 

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Bartosz Wielgomas, associate professor, head of toxicology department of the Medical University of Gdańsk (GUMed, Poland), in his report «Headspace single-drop microextraction and GC-ECD determination of chlorpyrifos-ethyl in rat liver» raised the questions about determination of pesticides by gas chromatography with mass-spectral detection. The sample preparation was carried out by a microextraction method, which differs by the minimum amounts of organic extractants used and the minimum environmental contamination that characterizes this method as Green Chemistry. 

Particular attention was drawn to the reports of master students of the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry, Duisenova M.N. on the topic "Chemical-toxicological analysis of pregabalin" and Mirsoatova M.A. on the topic "Optimization of conditions for identification of objects of chemical-toxicological analysis ".  The participants of the conference were impressed by the high scientific level of accomplished researches, the use of modern high-tech equipment with which the teaching and research laboratory of the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry is equipped. 

The conference participants took an active discussion of the main issues raised in the reports. Petukhov A.E., candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, associate professor of the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Moscow, Russian Federation), told about the abuse of non-medical use of medicines of pregabalin, tropicamide and others. He noted that many of the problems that have been raised are also characteristic for the chemical-toxicological expertise in the Russian Federation.

Colleagues from Ukraine - Bayurka S.V., head of the department of drug and analytical toxicology, doctor of pharmaceutical sciences., NPhU and Zhuravel I.A., head of department of clinical biochemistry, forensic medical toxicology and pharmacy of the Kharkov Medical Academy of postgraduate education with their messages interested the audience, which was involved in the intense and active discussion of raised issues.

Bayurka S.V. shared with information about the published textbook "Analytical Toxicology", authored by himself and thanked for the opportunity to communicate with colleagues. He noted the successes of our department in teaching and methodical work, in the science of students and young scientists, in research work on the development of methods for the detection of drugs in biological material, the isolation and identification of native substances and certain metabolites after taking a single therapeutic dose.

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Dianov V.M., associate professor of the department of pharmaceutical chemistry with a course in analytical and toxicological chemistry BSMU (Ufa, Bashkortostan) showed interest in the format of study, the number of hours, the bases of the production practice of toxicological chemistry in the SKSPhA, since this practice is not conducted at the BSMU.  

The conference was constructive. Active communication and exchange of experience was held as a part of international cooperation of the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry and the SKSPhA in general, as well as participants in the conference. 

Akhmetova A.A., vice-Rector of SKSPhA of Strategic Development and International Cooperation thanked the participants of the conference for their support and interest in the subjects of the discussed issues, noted that such cooperation leads to the expansion of borders and expressed the wish for further development of relations between universities, employers in a similar direction.

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Participants of the conference noted the high level of its organization, the modern format of the event, positive communication, informative.

The organizers of the conference appreciates all the participants, wish all new creative and life successes and hope for further good cooperation.

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The Department expresses gratitude to the employees of the computerized test information center of the SKSPhA, Uksikbaev M.T. and Abdikarim B.E., who provided a high level of technical support for the conference.

13.02.2018, 04:09