To the attention of graduates of undergraduate programs



The European partner of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy Gdansk Medical University (Poland) informs about the opening of applications for the international master's program, which will be implemented by a consortium of European universities Ghent University, Medical University of Gdansk, University of Groningen, University of Lille.

The S-DISCO International Master's Program is a 2-year study program (120 ECTS) in English: 90 ECTS (semesters 1-2-3) consists of face-to-face and online study, and 30 ECTS (semester 4) is dedicated to the master's thesis.

Applications can be submitted by bachelors of pharmaceutical, medical, veterinary, chemical, biological or bioengineering sciences. Scholarships are available for a select number of exceptional students to cover all expenses.

Website address: The deadline for applications is the end of February.

28.01.2022, 22:17