The winnersof the Republican inventioncontest “Shapagat – 2015” were awarded in Astana


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Solemn ceremony of the winnersof the XII Republican invention contest “Shapagat – 2015”

Date: April 25, 2015 at 10:24.

To participate in the XII Republican invention contest “Shapagat-2015”it was received 281 applications for the following categories: “Invention of the Year” - 108 applications; “Woman - the inventor” - 38 applications; “The youngest inventor” - 10 applications; “Young talent” - 88 applications, “The most active inventor” - 37 applications.

There presentative sofstateorgans, public organizations,scientific communities, development institutes, innovative centers, universities,patent counsels and honorary guest took part in solemn ceremony.

The solemnceremony was opened by Abdyrayim B., Deputy Attorney General of RK, the winners of the contest were awarded byY. Imangaliyev, Vice-Minister of education and science of RK, Y. Sagadiyev,Vice-Minister of investments and development of RK.

Thecontest “Shapagat-2015” is he ldaccordingto “Regulations of conducting Republic an inventioncontest”, approved by mutual order of the Attorney General of RK, Minister of education and science of RK, Minister of investments and development of RK;this year, the winner in the category“Invention of the Year” became:

Invention in innovative patent №28650 “The method ofsurgical treatment of choanoidchest distortion”,thepatentee is Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management “South- Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy” of the Ministry of Health of RK (Shymkent city). The author of invention is Karabekov A.K., Professor, Laureate of state prizeof RK, assistants: Narkhodzhayev N.S., Bektayev Y.T.  


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Within the solemn ceremony it was organized the exhibition of perspective inventions in the hall of Art Palace, not only inventors took part in this exhibition but also investors and businessmen. Within the exhibition theparticipants have the possibility to demonstrate their achievements to attract investments for the projects.

The Republican contest “Shapagat-2015” is avivid conversational for mat between the inventorandthe investor, anewprogressive possibility o fwide popularization of innovative activity in our country.


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Timehas shown thate very year the authorityand status of Republican contest “Shapagat” is becoming increasingly important. The contest celebrates the most worthy among highbrow academic sectors of our society.


04.05.2015, 23:02