The team of club of the funny and inventive "Medical academy" has won the permit in Republican television Premier League

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In 2018, with the support of the leadership of the SKMA, on the initiative of the specialist of the youth policy department B.Taszhanov, team of club of the funny and inventive “MedCity” was created, which took part in regional club of the funny and inventive games.

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From 3 to 13 February, 2019, the aforementioned group took part in the Republican festival "Mausymashar-2019" in Astana under the name "Medical Academy", performed at the Gala concert and received a permit to the Republican television game of the Premier League.

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In the future, the team of club of the funny and inventive “Medical academy” with the support of the leadership will defend the honor of the Academy at the level of republican teams. We believe that the victory of the team is ahead! Games the team of club of the funny and inventive of our academy will be pipe on television.

18.02.2019, 10:46