The South Kazakhstan Medical Academy hosted a solemn ceremony dedicated to the day of the Republic on October 25

On October 23, 2024, a solemn event dedicated to October 25" Republic Day "was held in the Great Assembly Hall of the" South Kazakhstan Medical Academy", organized by the Department of Youth Policy.
At the meeting, which was attended by the staff and students of the educational institution, the rector of SKMA Seitzhanova Zhanna Serikzhanovna opened with a congratulatory speech and emphasized the importance of the significant day. The event began with the national anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

During the meeting,a number of teachers and employees of the academy were awarded badges, certificates of Honor, letters of thanks from the Ministry of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan for their hard work in the development of domestic education, as well as "letters of thanks" and "certificates of Honor" from the founder of SKMA JSC S.Seitzhanov and rector of SKMA JSC Zh.Seitzhanova. At the festive event, talented students performed patriotic songs and dances. At the initiative of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kasym-Jomart Kemeluly Tokayev, starting in 2023, the day of the Republic is held in a new content as a national holiday. The day of the Republic is a bright holiday that raises the spirit of our compatriots, strengthens our country,strengthens our unity and increases our solidarity.

23.10.2024, 16:25