The Satellite congress of Pharmacy Updates 2019 February 6-8, 2019


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The Satellite congress of Pharmacy Updates 2019

February 6-8, 2019

Razi Convention Center, Tehran, Iran

Pharmacy Updates 2019 is a satellite congress in the field of pharmacy in Iran. Three other congresses of 2nd Congress of Medicinal Chemistry, Health and Pharmacy Technology congress, and the Clinical pharmacotherapy Congress have joined Pharmacy Updates for their annual congresses during the same dates and in the same place under the Pharmacy Updates 2019 umbrella and execution. Pharmacy students network has also arranged for the congress to present a three days students hall full of their special programs. Around the congress event, 10 workshops are programmed so far and the number is increasing, 6 different panels of Iranian FDA, Iranian pharmacy societies, Ministry Pharmacy higher education board of expertise, Iranian drug producing syndicate, Panel of the heads of pharmacy faculties, and pharmacy- students panel, as well as a big exhibition hall are programmed for this year event. Scientific abstract submission for oral or poster presentation is now on through the congress web site. All submitted abstract will go through a scientific per-review process and accepted abstract will be published in the journal of International Pharmacy Acta as a supplement issue. Site-seeing and city tours, visit of pharmaceutical industries, visit of pharmacy faculties and research centers are also included in the program on extra registrations.

Pharmacy Updates 2018 was a more than expectation successful for a new born congress; with more than 2600 participants from different countries, three full halls of scientific presentations, 10 workshops and 5 panels, we have experienced three days of pharmacy science exploration. Pharmacy Updates 2019 is aiming for a new milestone in the pharmacy congress.

Please, open congress web site for more information and abstract submission. Special registration discounts and group registrations offers are available. We are looking forward to welcoming you for this event in February 2019.

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07.11.2018, 04:53