The “round table” named “Healthy lifestyle is our future”
On December 2, 2016 Department of Social Sciences and Humanities organized the “round table” named “Healthy lifestyle is our future” within State program “Densaulyk” with students of 101 group of “General medicine” and 202 group of college in “Nursing”. For this event we invited the psychologist of MSE regional youth center Zhuldyz Shukiraliyevna Baltabayeva.
The aim of the event: to update formation of students’ healthy lifestyle, to show the bond of person’s lifestyle and his physical and spiritual development.
The ‘round table” began with the speech of Deputy Head of Department S.M.Taskymbayeva where she noted that “One of the priority tasks of the state is recovery of nation, promotion of sport and assimilation of the youth into the physical culture. Only healthy nation can achieve high achievements. Therefore our objective is to bring up the youth in this direction”.
In discussion of the topic following students of 202 group made a speech: B.Abduraimova with the report “It is better to prevent the disease than to cure it”, Ye.Zhuparbek with presentation “AIDS”, A.Zharylkassyn with the report “About drugs harm”, A.Serik with the presentation “ On the harm of tobacco for the people”.
Psychologist B.Sh.Baltabayeva continued the discussion with the audience and told about harmful effects of narcotic drugs’ usage, gave examples from her practice. During “round table” there was demonstrated the antidrug-focused video material “We choose life”, moreover, various games and quizzes were conducted with the students. The conversation at the round table did not leave anyone indifferent to this subject. Students were attentive about the event, actively answered questions, offered not trivial solutions to problems and openly shared their opinions about healthy lifestyle. For full disclosure of problems students were shown the stage production "On danger of drugs".
In closing remarks, senior lecturer Z.Sh.Orazymbetova said: "Health is a priceless treasure in the life of any person. I hope that today's meeting was not in vain and you have learned a lot from it."