The opportunity to study in a foreign university

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Academic mobility of South Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical academy is gaining new momentum. 

In the current academic year students of SKSPhA went on to study at medical university of Gdańsk, located in Northern Poland. Eleven 4th-year students of specialty "Pharmacy" studied in Gdansk during the academic period from September 20 to 28 December, 2016. 

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During study the students have acquired new knowledge, skills and experience that will help them in their future professional activity. They had the opportunity to listen to lectures not only of Polish professors, but also of invited scientists from Sweden.

During their studies our students have widely shared the story of our country, the Polish students learned a lot about Kazakhstan, about our culture and traditions, about Academy. 

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During the training period medical university of Gdańsk  was visited by the rector of Academy, Professor B. D. Seksenbayev from 4 to 6 November, 2016 in the framework of the strategic partnership between our universities.

Students express their gratitude to the leadership Academy for academic mobility opportunities, expanding the boundaries of learning.

11.01.2017, 21:31