The new tendencies in rheumatology

Recently, an international scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic diseases" was held at the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy.

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As the rector of the academy Myrzabek Myrzashevich Rysbekov noted, opening the scientific forum, 15 years ago the revival of the rheumatological service in Kazakhstan began in these walls. A huge merit in this was Professor A.Zh. Karkabaeva, head of the Department of therapy of the South Kazakhstan State Medical Academy, since she was also the chief rheumatologist of the Ministry of Health. A member of the department Chokan Tleukulovich Baimukhamedov, now the head physician of the Medical Center of Joint Diseases in Shymkent, contributed his contribution. Speaker of the conference G.Togizbayev, rheumatologist, chairman of the board of the limited liability company "Medical Partners Korea Qazaqstan", doctor of medical sciences, professor (Almaty), emphasized the importance of scientific results in this field, since not only adults but also children become patients , that lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis began to register more often. Scientists and practitioners of Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and Great Britain spent two days discussing frequently encountered problems in the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis familiarized themselves with the pharmacokinetics and dosage regimens of methotrexate, with innovative methods in the treatment of osteoporosis.

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The Kazakh College of Rheumatology has united more than 100 rheumatologists from all regions of Kazakhstan in its ranks.

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The conference was attended by A.Yu. Gasparyan - Assistant Professor, Researcher of the University of Birmingham (UK), U.K. Kayumov - Head of the Department of Internal Diseases of the Tashkent Institute for Advanced Studies of Doctors, MD, Professor, A.V.Smirnov - Head of the Laboratory of Radiation Diagnostics of the Scientific Research Institute of Rheumatology named after Nasonova, O.V.Mashkunova - Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine № 4 Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, B.K.Nurmashev - vice-rector for scientific and clinical work of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy and others.

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Scientific works of scientists and doctors of the international scientific-practical conference were published in the scientific journal "Vestnik SKMA".

Participants of the forum were awarded certificates.

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09.07.2018, 10:41