The new prestigious profession of the applied baccalaureate on specialty “Nursing”

On the basis of the Order of the Department for Education Sector Control in the South Kazakhstan Region of the Committee for Education Sphere Control and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 6, 2017 No. 572A, Faculty of Training with Technical and Vocational Education of South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy received the application KZ07LAA00008223 to the license for engaging in educational activity by  qualification “Baccalaureate program in specialty 0302000 "Nursing".12 001

Within the framework of the implementation of the State Health Development Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Densaulyk" for 2016-2019, the specialists of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with colleagues from the universities of applied sciences JAMK and Lahti (Finland) developed a Road map for the modernization of the system of nursing education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2019.

The applied baccalaureate's program provides the principles of dual training in accordance with European directives, incl. implementation of production practices at clinical bases by the supervision of a qualified mentor in the amount of at least 60-70% of the total number of hours of study (the term of study is 3.5 years). This program is widely distributed in the EU countries and is aimed at training highly qualified nurses with enhanced practical training.

Graduates of higher medical colleges of applied baccalaureate on the specialty "Nursing" will have professional skills for a nursing reception, providing for pre-medical examination of patients, setting a preliminary diagnosis, referring to a narrow specialist, patronage of children and adults, prescribing by the  doctor supervision .


13.09.2017, 04:53