«The need and importance of vaccination among the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan»

In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19 among the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to order No. 01-19 dated May 28, 2021, the rector of SKMA, Professor M.M. Rysbekov, based on the resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 22 dated May 22, 2021 " On the implementation of the mobile application "Ashyq" at business facilities ", and in accordance with Appendix No. 2 of this resolution, the admission of employees and visitors to the building of South Kazakhstan Medical Academy JSC is carried out subject to the presentation of a special QR code at the entrance to the facility to determine employee or visitor status:

- "Green" status - an employee or visitor is indicated in the database as having passed PCR testing with a negative result for COVID-19 or as vaccinated with two components;

- "blue" status - there is no PCR test result, is not listed as a contact with a COVID-19 patient;

- "yellow" status - indicated in the database as a contact with a COVID-19 patient;

- "red" status - registered in the database with a positive result of PCR testing for COVID-19, patients with the "infected" status - code U 07.2.

Employees or visitors with "yellow / red" status to the facility are not allowed.

In this regard, the dean's office of the pharmaceutical faculty of SKMA from 05/21/2021 to 05/27/2021 held videoconferences on the topic "On the need and importance of vaccination among the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan" with students of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 undergraduate courses in the specialty " Pharmacy "and" Technology of pharmaceutical production ". The videoconferences were attended by the vice-rector for educational, methodological and educational work - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Anartaeva M.U., Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Umurzakhova G.Zh., Deputy Dean for Educational Work Sapakbai M.M., Deputy Dean for the educational part of S.K.Seydalieva, specialists of the dean's office Duysebaeva G.N., Zhaksybaeva A.E., Abdubekova Zh.M. and epidemiologist SKMA Ashirmetova N. M.

Epidemiologist Ashirmetova Nigora Mukhtarovna explained the importance of the antiviral measures carried out among the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan: “None of the vaccines used today contains a live coronavirus. Therefore, a vaccinated person will not get COVID-19 due to being vaccinated. Scientists from the World Health Organization and Western countries confirm that the only way to stop the pandemic is to vaccinate ... ", and also competently answered numerous questions from students:" Which vaccine is considered the best? How is the vaccination going? Who can get vaccinated? What are the contraindications? What are the reactions to the vaccine? Are there any recommendations after vaccination? " etc.

Videoconferences were held in the form of discussions on the ZOOM platform.

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03.06.2021, 06:40