The meeting with Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Quality and Safety of Goods and Services MH RK

On October 18th, 2019 Asylbekov Nurlybek Abibullaevich - Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Quality and Safety of Goods and Services of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a lecture on “The State and Prospects of the Circulation of Medicines and Medical Products in the Republic of Kazakhstan” for faculty and students of the Faculty of Pharmacy.

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The event was opened with a welcoming speech by the rector of SKMA JSC Myrzabek Myrzashevich Rysbekov. The lecture was also attended by the head of the public health department of Shymkent Bayduvaliev Askhan Markabaevich, the deputy head of the Department of Quality Control and Safety of Goods and Services of Shymkent Kashkimbaeva Lazzat Rsymbekovna, the deputy head of the Department of Quality Control and Safety of Goods and Services in Turkestan Region Tagibaev Daulet Orynbaevich, the head of the EMC Ibragimova Aigul Gaffarovna, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Daurenbekov Kanat Narbekovich and heads of graduating departments.

In his speech, Nurlybek Abibullaevich emphasized the existing plan for the development of the pharmaceutical sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan and future prospects in the field of ensuring the availability of drugs and medicines, quality and safety of medicines and medicines, improving the system of planning and procurement of medicines.

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The listeners were given a unique opportunity to ask questions on relevant topics and expand their knowledge in the field of the circulation of medicines and medical devices in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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25.10.2019, 22:06