The Marathon of knowledge «INFECTION STAR»

On 2 October and 4 November and 21 November 2019, at the Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenereology of SKMA organized the Marathon of knowledge «INFECTION STAR» among 4th year students in the specialty of «General Medicine».

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The purpose of the marathon was: to increase students interests in subject "Infectious Diseases", students consolidated the covered topics, improved cognitive interests and also developed the creative activity of students.

During the marathon the teams presented greeting teams, protecting the emblem, contests “Captain's Competition”, “Biathlon”, “Knowledge Tree”, “Real Photography - Real Patient”, “Putting on the Plague Suit”.

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As a result of the marathon, the development of the curriculum has improved, the topics covered in the discipline have been consolidated, as well as the cognitive interests and creative activity of students have developed.

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As a result of the knowledge marathon, teams were awarded bycertificates and souvenirs:

I- place the team: GMRB-09, GMRB-06, GMRB-04 groups.

II- place the team: GMRA-09,GMRB-07, GMRB-05. groups.

III- place the team : - GMRB-10. GMRA – 10, GMRА-04 groups.

In the nominations: “The best emblem” won the - GMRB-08; GMRB-07, GMRB-04 groups.

In the nominations: "The most active participant" - GMRB-09-16; GMRА- 10, GMRB-04 groups.

In the nominations: “The best captain” - GMRA-08,GMRA– 06, GMRB-04 groups.

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This event was an effective form of conducting classes in the bachelor's degree.

07.12.2019, 11:22