“The key directions of modern training of pharmaceutical personnel”

On December 14,2015 in the small hall of the academy there was held “the round table” under the title "The key directions of modern training of pharmaceutical personnel", which was a continuation of the "round table" about the training of medical personnel. The guests of this event were the director of "Association of pharmaceutical and medical organizations of Kazakhstan" “Damu” Hadisha Derbesovna Aljanova, director of LP "Zhanga-Shipa" Ualikhan Saparbaevich Tulemis, executive director of LP SPU "Zerde" E. M.Zhuzbaeva, the workers of LP "Eurofarma"- G. Matayeva, N.Tajbekova, LP "Contact"- S.Piryatynskii.

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The main issue of discussion was the perspective directions of pharmaceutical personnel training. Presentations at the round table were made by H. D.Alzhanova, A. G. Ibragimova - the head of the TMC; B. O. Torlanova - head of Department of SP&SMQ. Hadisha Derbesovna suggested to conclude contracts with young specialists for a period of 3-5 years; to get fixed up in a job on military objects, and also to introduce the following elective subjects into the curriculum: the legal aspects of the business, customs and tax codes, issues of govermnent procurement. 

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In the reports of A. G. Ibragimova and B. O. Torlanova  it was stated that in accordance with a new drug policy for the pharmaceutical industry of Kazakhstan it requires experts skilled in new techniques, including informational; 

who are able to work within GMP, ISO, GLP standards and drug policy of EASC; experts in the field of clinical pharmacy, evidence-based medicine for pharmacy, in the development of dosage forms. 

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In SKSPhA training within the major "Technology of pharmaceutical production" in accordance with international standards, improvement of qualification of faculty, engaged in training of specialists for pharmaceutical industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with GMP, GLP standards. State program of industrial development of Kazakhstan is implemented through the establishment of pharmaceutical cluster in South Kazakhstan in collaboration with JSC "Khimpharm",  LP "Zerde" and by other leading pharmaceutical companies and research centers.

Today the academy is ready to develop the projects, from product creation through basic and applied research to implementation of research results into production. large-scale research held at the academy will bring out Kazakhstan science and practical pharmacy at the highest level.

14.12.2015, 03:03