The III-rd International scientific and educational forum «Mother and child-2020»

Head of Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenereology, Candidate of medical sciences, professor G. N. Abuova took part with an oral report in the III-rd International scientific and educational forum «Mother and child-2020», which is held on online on 2-3 October.

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A separate breakout session of the forum «COVID-19 in pregnant women: challenges of the time» devoted to various aspects of the coronavirus infection. G. N. Abuova in her report presented the latest data on epidemiology, diagnosis, features of the course of COVID-19 in pregnant women, threatening complications and treatment tactics with a clinical case demonstration.

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In General, the forum will contribute to improving obstetric care for pregnant women and reducing maternal and perinatal mortality in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

06.10.2020, 03:29