The festival event on theme “Tayelsiz elim – tygyryn senin buikte”

On November 28, 2016 a festival event on “Tayelsiz elim – tygyryn senin buikte” was organized by the Department “Public health-2” in a state institution of medical-social management of employment and social programs department of SKR “The house of veterans”. The event was dedicated to the 25-th anniversary of Independence Day and Day of the First President of Kazakhstan.

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The event was attended by 3-year students of “Public health” specialty under the quidance of senior lecturers: М.А. Тaskynovа, А.К. Begembetovа, S.N. Azimbayeva, Е.V. Pavlova; teachers: Sh.S. Sakiyeva, L.N. Маgay, А.М. Duisenova.

The event began with the national anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Head of Department “Public health-2” A.M. Zhaksybergenov made the opening speech. 

The next word was given to veteran Zaripa Abdigapparova. During this event, students performed the national songs: Aizat Saltak «Қазағым», Serikkali Sultankul «Үш қоңыр», Ainur Sherkhan «Елбасы», Bigali Abdikul «Көк тудың желбірегені», student Aidai performed Indian dance, Anuyar Kuandyk performed kyui. 

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Student of 303 PH group Akilbek Orazbek said thankful words for veterans. Organizator of cultural and mass sector D. Dayrabekova on behalf of institution expressed thankful and parting words for teachers and participated students.

At the end of event students invited veterans for dancing. After all, veterans were in positive mood.

03.12.2016, 01:44