The event organized by the organization for the fight against corruption in the course of distance learning

On May 18, 2020, at 12.00 with the initiative of the Department for social affairs and youth policy of the South Kazakhstan medical academy, was held a meeting with Zhani Kambar, the head of the project office of "Adaldyk alany" in Shymkent, This event was held online in the ZOOM program.

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It was attended by students, heads of organizations of self-government of the academy and members of DfSAaYP, medical College.

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The event was led by the head of the department of youth policy N.Akhmetov. Head of the project office "Adaldyk alany" in Shymkent Zh. Kambar focused on the activities of the office and in such important areas as "Sanaly Urpak (among universities) and "Adal Urpak" (among kindergartens and secondary schools), shared plans for the near future.

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The head of DfSAaYP E.Salim spoke about the ongoing work on the prevention of corruption offenses in the academy and called on students to jointly fight corruption.

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During the online meeting, students were given answers to their questions.

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18.05.2020, 08:16