The event on the theme "Tauelsizdik-tugyrym"
Gaining independence is the result of many years of struggle. Kazakhstan, as part of the Soviet Union, being home to representatives of several nationalities, experienced various political, economic and social difficulties. Having gained sovereignty, Kazakhstan chose the path of its development, took large-scale measures to transform the structure of the state, ensure national unity and stability.
Independence Day of Kazakhstan is a day that gives an opportunity to evaluate the work done to protect national unity, independence of the state and increase the motivation of citizens of the country to develop their Homeland. Various events are organized on this day in government institutions, schools and universities, as well as in other public organizations.
In honor of this significant holiday, the teacher of the Department of Engineering Disciplines, Zhorabek Nursulu Muratkyzy, organized an event called "Tauelsizdik-tugyrym" with the curatorial group TFPKB-01-22, TFPKB-02-22. During the festive event, the persons who contributed to the support and protection of Kazakhstan's independence were honored, important events in the development of the country were noted. The Department of Engineering Disciplines wholeheartedly congratulates everyone on the holiday "December 16-Independence Day"! May the great holiday of our free country bring prosperity!