The election of the Students council of a hostel

December 10, 2019 in the hostel №1 was held a meeting of the Department of social affairs and youth policy of the UKMA. On the agenda of the meeting was the question of re-election of the student council of the hostel. Students were given the opportunity to speak about the work of the student council. At the meeting were heard opinions and wishes of young people.

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Members of the council were re-elected at the general meeting. Chairman of the students’ council of the hostel was elected Amir Nurlybek, Erezhep Kanat was appointed to head the culture sector, Mekenbay Azamat became the sport sector, Shora Nazerke and Nabieva Arzu will be responsible for the cleanliness sectors.

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And at the request of the majority, the council members remain in place: Rasil Abylaikhan-deputy chairman of the MTR, Bakbergen Marzhan-secretary, Timur Amanbayev-responsible for the mobility sector.

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To the new collective of the students’ council wished good luck and success in new endeavors.

12.12.2019, 10:40