The doctor - the profession forever!

Medical worker's day is one of the most important and revered professional holidays in our country. It is impossible to imagine a civilized world without specialists in white coats. And how wonderful that in our calendar such a holiday is provided and not one: "Day of the physician", "Day of the dentist", "Day of the nurse", etc., but the most important is the Day of the medical worker, which is celebrated every third Sunday in June.

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The great philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer expressed that "Happiness lies primarily in health."

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By the Day of the medical worker, the Department of social affairs and youth policy organized a solemn meeting on June 14, 2019 in the Assembly hall.

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At the solemn meeting was attended by guests: the first Deputy chairman of the branch of the party "Nur Otan" Narymbetov Bahadyr Madiluly and Secretary of the city maslikhat Tashkaraev Gani Abduganiuly. They congratulated and presented letter of thanks to the staff of the Academy.

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With warm wishes performed rector of SKMA professor Rysbekov Myrzabek Marzashuly, rewarding employees lapel badges and letters of thanks from the Ministry of Healthcare, letter of thanks of the Academy.

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At all times, respected and deservedly appreciated those who chose the work of their lives to take care of people's health. Medical workers are people of a noble profession and deserve honor, respect and a real holiday.

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The festive event ended with a concert program and a student anthem, which created a festive mood for the audience.

14.06.2019, 14:11