The conference “Implementation of clinical minutes in educational process of SKSPhA”
On 22nd November, 2016 the department of evidence-based medicine of SKSPhA held a conference on the theme “Implementation of clinical minutes in educational process of SKSPhA”. The conference was organized to implement the project “Modernization of medical education for 2016-2019” of MHSD of RK, as well as according to the basic regulations, such as “Nation’s plan - 100 concrete steps to implement the five institutional reforms”, the “Code on people’s health and the health care system”, Health Care Development Program “Densaulyk” for 2016-2019. The conference was attended by all clinical departments of the Academy: Department of Infectious diseases and Dermatovenerology, Department of Therapeutic disciplines, Department of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychology, Department of PHC with the course of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric surgery, Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical pharmacology, Department of Nursing with the course of Anesthesiology and Critical care medicine, Department of Surgical disciplines.
K.Y. Akhmadiyeva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, the Head of the evidence-based medicine, department made an opening speech. The report comprised the data for monitoring of clinical minutes of all clinical and basic departments of SKSPhA and all levels of education: bachelor’s programme, internship, master’s programme, residency. Then, G.N. Abuova, the author of clinical minutes of MHSD of RK, the Head of the Department “Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenerology” of SKSPhA, presented her report on the theme “On the implementation strategy of diagnosis and treatment clinical into public health and educational process of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. There were presented and discussed 11 reports, which focused on teaching methods and implementation analysis of clinical minutes at various levels of medical education with the use of innovative methods such as TBL method “Role-playing”, Case-study method, video conference method, “Video clinical case” according to the active method of CBL (case-based learning). The Departments exchanged methods of knowledge evaluation on clinical minutes and how to work with them with the use of check-lists, MCQ tests, situational problems, as well as the implementation of knowledge evaluation of clinical skills on clinical in the final state attestation of residents for 2014-2016.
It was noted at the conference that the use of clinical minutes in medical education of our country, which are practical guidelines, based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, will make our healthcare more high-quality, efficient and cost-effective, and it brings our medical practice to international standards of medical care.