The concept of "Anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2026 was discussed."

On October 28, 2021, a meeting of the Department of the Anti-Corruption Agency for the city of Shymkent and the Department for Social Affairs and Youth Policy was held in the large conference hall of the SKMA to discuss the draft concept "anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2026". The event was attended by the first deputy head of the Department of the Agency for Combating Corruption in the city of Shymkent T. A. Serikbayev, the first vice-rector of the SKMA M. Yesirkepov, Head of the Department for Social Affairs and Youth Policy E. Salim, Head of the office of "Adaldyk Alany" Shymkent Zh. Kambar, vice-rectors of universities and deputy directors of secondary specialized educational institutions of Shymkent, media representatives and teachers of the Academy.

The moderator of the event was the head of the Department for Social Affairs and Youth Policy E. Salim, who noted the importance of the event and gave the first word to the first Vice-rector of SKMA M. Yessirkepov.

The first vice-rector of SKMA M. Yessirkepov made a report on the fight against corruption at the Academy .
The first deputy head of the Department of the Agency for Combating Corruption in Shymkent, T. A. Serikbayev, focused on legislative changes and new approaches in the fight against corruption, the structure of the concept and the main directions.
Head of the project office "Adaldyk alany" Shymkent Zh. Kambar familiarized the participants with the concept of "Anti-Corruption Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2026".

Teachers of the Academy, vice-rectors of universities who visited the event took an active part in the discussion of the project. In particular, the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs named after M. Auezov, R. D. Abisheva, and Dean of the Faculty of Sciences, Sarykuzov, E. Salim made proposals on the concept

After receiving the closing speech, T. A. Serikbayev noted that the event was held at a high level. The management and organizers of the SKMA expressed gratitude from the department.

29.10.2021, 22:21