«The causes of destructive religions in Kazakhstan»

On February 21, 2018, the departments of Social sciences and Humanities, Hygiene and Epidemiology and the student trade union committee held a large-scale psychological training seminar on the theme "Causes of destructive religions in Kazakhstan".

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The purpose of the event: to identify the prevention of the causes of destructive religions in Kazakhstan and their impact on young people.

The seminar was attended by experts in various fields, namely theologian A. Usipaliev, sociologist, head of the Department of social work with young people S.Bayzakova, psychologist from the center for youth resources K. Yertayev, in addition, the seminar was actively attended by students and members of the above-mentioned departments. 

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Interest in this topic was dictated by the emergence of a new religious situation in modern conditions and therefore the primary task today is a systematic and in-depth study, monitoring of the religious situation. The processes of spiritual revival revealed certain problems that Kazakhstan has not faced before. One of these problems is the emergence and impact on young people of non-traditional religions in Kazakhstan.

As a preliminary preparation for the seminar, teachers of the Department of Social sciences and Humanities conducted a survey among the 2nd year students majoring in Pharmacy and Public health, during which it was revealed that young people receive all negative information about different religious trends from social networks, brochures, etc.

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The event was accompanied by an electronic presentation where a rich video material was used, which aroused great interest among the participants. In order to activate the audience psychologist K. Yertayev held a psychological test and games with the participants of the seminar.

There was a useful exchange of views between experts, teachers and students. The event ended with the speech of the scientist-theologian, journalist A. Usipaliev.

21.02.2018, 01:25