Thanksgiving Day is a bright symbol of mercy!

They have been celebrating the Thanksgiving Day in Kazakhstan since 2016. It’s a warm and bright day when people treat one another with love and respect.

It has happened that the modern multinational family of Kazakhstan is the result of several migration waves, when whole nations were deported to the Republic in different years. And the way all these people managed to get settled and survive is a huge achievement of the entire people of Kazakhstan. And one of the goals of this Day is the education of the rising generation of citizens for a sense of tolerance, friendliness and respect for each other, as well as the strengthening of inter-ethnic harmony and ethnic ties in Kazakhstan. In today's world, globalization boundaries are blurring, millions of people on the planet are considered to be migrants. Therefore, in the current century, the examination for tolerance will become the main exam for the people.

In honor of the Thanksgiving Day, our academy hosts daily activities and each has its own dedication. Student's trade union together with the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry organized a celebratory event on the occasion of Thanksgiving. Students from the Bashkir State Medical University were invited to the festive event: Kinziyabaуeva Azaliya, Sultanova Liliya, Angelina Shaybekova, Khuzina Elvina, who are trained within the Academy for academic mobility. 

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The guests were acquainted with the history of this special day,  the traditions and customs of the Kazakh people, as well as the typical cuisine of the locals.

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In addition, the festival continued with the musical accompaniment of several “kuys” on dombra, performed by a student of the 205 FC B group Kuandyk Anuar. 

Guests were interested in the story of dombra, the most common instrument in the musical life of the Kazakhs. 

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Guests sincerely thanked for the warm welcome, sincere hospitality, new acquaintances and festive mood.

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06.03.2018, 05:27