Talent cannot be bought!

A talented person sees opportunities in everything. This kind of person is interested in everything. And he's doing very well in all. Such person is Korotkov Vladimir, a candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, senior lecturer of the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry. He graduated from our university with honors degree and successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis, being a post-graduate student of the NPhU, an excellent family man, he brings up three children. Vladimir Andreevich conducts an active life position: he conducts classes in English at the department, is engaged in scientific work, knows how to concentrate completely on the goal, therefore all the work for which he undertakes ends with success.

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Once again, he took an active part in the first international bike ride, timed to the Year of Uzbekistan in Kazakhstan and Nauryz celebration. The bike ride started from the capital of Uzbekistan - Tashkent. After the official part, Mr. Korotkov crossed the customs border “Zhibek Zholy” and easily reached Shymkent with all participants of the bike ride. At six o'clock in the evening they were met by South Kazakhstan akim - Mr. Tuimebayev and vice-president of the cycling federation of Kazakhstan – Mr. Battalov. After the event, all participants were awarded with diplomas for active participation.

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We congratulate Vladimir Andreevich on this achievement and wish him all the best in life!

26.04.2018, 06:29