Students of SKMA met with entrepreneurs of Shymkent as part of a special project

Within the framework of the special project "Enbek-eldin muraty" of the "Rukhani zhagyru" program, organized by the KSU "Youth Resource Center" of the Department of Internal Policy and Youth Affairs of the city of Shymkent and the Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, a motivational meeting was organized, training with young entrepreneurs "JASTARGA - KENES".

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The goal of the project is comprehensive support in the implementation of youth business ideas and Start-Up projects aimed at opening the way and directing young people to business. Within the framework of the "JASTARGA - KENES" project, entrepreneurs made a motivational lecture, President of Asyl Arman Corporation, Chairman of the Council of business women-Arhabayeva Alma Nuralovna, Director of the Bolashaq Ontustik Corporate Fund-Tair Daniyar Abdykasymovich.

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In total, about 30 enterprises are going to open in this project.

The motivational meeting is held in compliance with all sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

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11.11.2020, 09:34