Student’s scientific-practical conference «Language competence as an indicator of high professional environment in the field of public health»

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Student’s scientific and practical conference «Language competence as an indicator of a high professional environment in the field of health» was held on May, 19, 2017 at the department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages.  

For the development of languages, the holding of such conferences has become traditional. 

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Scientific reports, which were prepared by students, gave an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge and achievements in mastering languages. Guests and participants were presented with interesting reports on the topics of language culture and ethics, medical terminology, the use of metaphors in the field of medicine, the importance of polygamy in the pharmaceutical industry.

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Such kinds of events develop the skills of conducting scientific research work and contribute to the development of the worldview of student youth.

All participants were awarded certificates at the end of the scientific and practical conference «Language competence as an indicator of a high professional environment in the field of health». 

22.05.2017, 02:45