«Student’s life- happy time»

On November 14, 2018, the Department of drug technology together with the Department of youth policy and the "Association of graduates of South Kazakhstan medical Academy" held an open curatorial hour "Student’s life- happy time", dedicated to the International day of students, among the curatorial groups of the pharmaceutical faculty and students of the medical College under the Joint – stock Company "SKMA". The purpose of the curatorial hour: to give a good mood to the participants and create friendly relations among students.

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Open curatorial hour was distinguished by the fact that students showed their talents, showing creative skills on the subject of autumn design. A competition was held among students of supervised groups. By results of competition the participants were awarded with letters of thanks and diplomas in the nominations: "Excellent dance", "Great song", "The best decor", "The most interesting theatre".

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The creativity of the students was assessed: acting Professor of the Department of drug technology, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences Anarbayeva R. M., acting Professor of the Department of drug technology, candidate of pharmaceutical Sciences, Martynova I. A., Deputy Dean of pharmaceutical faculty, the Chairperson of the founders of the "Association of graduates of "SKMA" candidate of pharmaceutical Sciences Sapakbai M. M., Director of the medical College at Joint-stock company "SKMA" Kuchkarova A. M., President of the student Union "SKMA" Baimbetova B. S., head of Department of youth policy, Akhmetov N. R.

Open curatorial hour "Student’s life- happy time" gave guests and participants a good mood and positive emotions.

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16.11.2018, 07:15