Student quest game «AntiParaCraft»

On February 23, 2021, students under the leadership of the Department for Social Affairs and Youth Policy of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy received the baton of the student quest "AntiParaCraft", which is implemented on the initiative of the Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov in the Akmola region, as a new method of forming an anti-corruption culture among young people.

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Quest is an interactive game in which teams learn to detect corruption risks in the educational process based on the specified characteristics. The goal of the quest is to foster values and develop the skills necessary for young people to develop a civil position against corruption.

Quest Tasks:

- instilling anti-corruption skills, education of honesty, integrity.

- prevention and promotion of zero tolerance for corruption, monitoring of compliance with ethical standards among students, teaching staff and university staff.

The game was attended by 4 teams from among the faculties of the Academy. The game consisted of 3 stages, which were intense and interesting. The first stage is a question and answer, the second stage is a debate, and the third stage is a discussion. 1st place went to the team "pharmacy", which has distinguished itself by its discipline and knowledge in the game, 2nd place went to the team AMC "Bolashak", the 3rd place team of the Medicine and the 4th place team of the College of Medicine.

24.02.2021, 22:38