South Kazakhstan Medical Academy announces the start of the preliminary selection from February 1 to May 31, 2023 for applicants to PhD doctoral studies!

In accordance with the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018 No. 600 «On approval of Standard rules for admission to educational organizations implementing educational programs of higher and postgraduate education», the qualifying stage is mandatory for admission to PhD doctoral studies. Persons who have not passed the qualifying stage of JSC «SKMA» are not allowed to take entrance exams.


JSC «SKMA» conducts a qualifying stage for applicants to PhD doctoral studies in the following educational programs:

• 8D10139 «Public Health»
• 8D10140 «Pharmacy»
• 8D10141 «Medicine»



1) Application addressed to the Rector of JSC «SKMA»;
2) A copy of the identity document;
3) A document on completion of residency or master's degree (certificate of training in residency or master's degree);
4) A document confirming work activity, certified by the personnel service at the place of work;
5) Motivation letter in any form;
6) List of scientific and methodological works;
7) Summary of the planned scientific research;
8) International certificate confirming proficiency in a foreign language;
9) The official certificate of passing the exam in the state language (KAZTEST), issued by the NTC.


For full information, you can call or write on WhatsApp to the admissions committee:
Batyrbai Symbat Azathankyzy: 8-747-131-97-97
Bekbolatkyzy Aiman: 8-747-979-41-33
Tel:8(7252)-39-57-57 (*1029)

14.02.2023, 11:41